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Payment Method

  • Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Booking ID as the payment reference.

  • Pay with your credit card via Stripe. Use the card number 4242424242424242 with CVC 123, a valid expiration date and random 5-digit ZIP-code to test a payment.

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Julie Welle

Hatha Yoga
Advanced Certified

Cody Cooper

Hatha Yoga
Advanced Certified

Jennifer Gray

Vinyasa Yoga
Advanced Certified

Matthew Sanford

Vinyasa Yoga
Advanced Certified

William Meyer

Vinyasa Yoga
Advanced Certified

Lynn Shuck

Yin & Vinyasa Yoga
800hr Certification

Florence Johnson

Yin & Vinyasa Yoga
300hr Certification

Michele Anderson

Yin & Vinyasa Yoga
800hr Certification

Oscar Williams

Hatha Yoga
300hr Certification

Hurriet Brown

Yin & Vinyasa Yoga
75hr Certification

Ethan Jones

Yin & Vinyasa Yoga
100hr Certification

Wendy Brom

Hatha Yoga
800hr Certification

our awards

The perfect team for your best yoga experience

The Hatha Yoga Awards
International Yoga Awards
Inner Engineering Online